Cheerful Giver Grant

Thank you, Cheerful Giver!

We are so incredibly grateful for the anonymous gift of $10,000  from The Cheerful Giver Fund of Central Carolina Community Foundation. 

The Cheerful Giver Grant helped bridge a gap in providing diagnostic lab tests when there is an urgency for a patient's diagnosis to determine further treatment and the financial aid process through local hospitals may be too slow.

Typical costs for labs are well beyond the financial capacity of our patients. All of our patients are uninsured and a single lab test can range from $100 - $1,140. Our patients often need multiple tests. 

Health disparities are a real and pressing issue in the United States. These disparities exist when people experience different health and illness levels based on race, ethnicity, income, or location. 

The provision of free health care to those living in poverty can be a life changing experience that enables them to look for jobs, take better care of their families and lead more productive lives in the community.


GSC receives Community Outreach Grant