How do donations help?

Your contributions provide the necessary equipment and supplies for patients to better monitor their health from home. It also funds point of care testing by our physicians. Having access to this information allows our patients to make adjustments in their lifestyle. Lifestyle changes can drastically improve one's ability to not only take care of themselves, but also their families.

Here are real examples of what your donations can do:

  • Provides a glucose monitor for use with testing strips (sold separately) to monitor glucose levels in a diabetic patient.

  • Provides a health tracker wrist monitor that continuously monitors blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and an ECG to monitor abnormal heart rhythms.

  • Provides at home BP monitors for 3 patients.

  • Provides a box of HbA1c test cartridges for 15 patients for the most accurate blood glucose levels.

  • Provides a glucose monitor plus the necessary testing strips to enable at home testing for a year to a diabetic patient.

  • Provides all of the above to help our patients make major improvements in their health.